
Installing with pip

For many users, installation is as simple as executing the following from the command line:

$ pip install opc-diag

There are, however, some common difficulties:

opc-diag depends on the lxml Python package, which cannot reliably be installed by pip or easy_install on Windows. Building it from source requires a compiler and other items the typical Windows user will not have installed. Therefore we recommend Windows users manually install lxml using a GUI installer before installing opc-diag. For that, the precompiled binaries at have been the best source so far.

lxml depends on the libxslt and libxml2 libraries. If those are not present the lxml build will fail during the install. Linux users shouldn’t have too much trouble as these libraries are commonly installed by default. If not, yum or apt-get is your friend for getting them installed. OS X users running recent versions may also find these already installed. If not, they can be installed using Homebrew.

Getting the Code

opc-diag is developed on GitHub, where the code is freely available.

You can clone the repository like this:

git clone git://

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